Look after your back with Chiropractix Galway

Eighty per cent of the population will suffer low back pain at some stage in their life. We only have one spine so taking care of yours is vital to a happy and healthful lifestyle. Disc bulges are one of the most common complaints treated by a chiropractor, and although they affect all ages and both men and women, research has shown men suffer from them nearly twice as much, the lumbar discs are one of the main controllers of the lower back and this is where 95 per cent of bulges occur, somewhere around the L4/L5 or S1 joints.

Twenty five per cent of the population walk around every day with some form of a disc bulge that is totally asymptomatic (no pain, signs or symptoms ) so when you start to feel some discomfort in your back, especially your lower back, getting it checked by a registered and qualified chiropractor is one of the first things you can do to avoid future problems that are harder to correct.

Treatment of disc bulges can vary depending on the severity, but even the most severe cases where someone has been recommended to have surgery they can be helped back to proper function. In some cases treatment can completely reverse the symptoms and with proper rehab and after-care a disc bulge can go back to being a full functioning area of your spine.

Remember to always use a registered chiropractor with the Chiropractic Association of Ireland. If you need help or advice, call 091 567055 and speak to the highly qualified team at Chiropractix Galway.


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