Silver screen success for Scoil San Phroinsias, Tirellan at Fís Film Awards

Celebrating their success

Celebrating their success

Scoil San Phroinsias in Tirellan is celebrating after claiming two awards in the prestigious FÍS Film awards.

The creative skills of last year’s 6th class pupils in Scoil San Phroinsias resulted in them taking home the overall award in the ‘Outstanding Achievement in Filmmaking – Curriculum Relevance :Environmental’ category for their animation entitled ‘A Tale of Two Squirrels.’ The pupils of senior infants received the ‘Best Junior Film’ award for their animation ‘All About Energy’.

The FÍS Film Awards is a renowned annual competition for Irish primary school children and their teachers and educates them on the entire moviemaking process.

Scoil San Phroinsias was one of 19 schools from across the country to be shortlisted for an award at the national awards ceremony and was the only school to have two winning entries.

Hosted by RTE’s Sinead Kennedy, the event is run by the Institute of Art, Design and Technology and Oide Technology in Education. The awards ceremony, which was broadcast online was co-produced by students of IADT’s National Film School and live-streamed through the official FÍS website.

The FÍS Film Project encourages children to explore the medium of film in the primary school classroom developing essential skills in moving-image literacy, language, communication, teamwork, creative thinking, visual arts and music.

Commenting on the winners for this year’s FÍS Film Awards, Anthony Kilcoyne, Divisional Director Oide Technology in Education said: “Once again, the judging panel was impressed by the remarkable investigative, analytic, and critical thinking skills displayed by this year’s entrants, coupled with their adept use of technology to narrate their unique stories. Using the platform presented by the FÍS film awards, entrants demonstrated the potent synergy between creativity and technology, bringing the curriculum to life in captivating and interactive ways.”


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