Turn over a new tea leaf

Galway-based organic tea company Solaris Botanicals specialises in blending internationally award-winning organic speciality and herbal teas. All Solaris herbal teas are blended for specific body systems.

With toxins, preservatives, and additives being a part of modern life, our systems are faced with ever increasing levels of stress. The quality of what we put into our bodies impacts directly on how we feel and look. The Solaris Botanicals range of organic teas attempts to directly address these imbalances.

Solaris Apollo detox tea contains herbs that stimulate the organs of elimination (such as liver and kidneys ) and cleanse the blood. This is particularly useful in conditions like acne (where most commonly there is a hormonal imbalance ), hot skin conditions such as eczema, and allergic skin reactions. Another very good all round tea for detox and weight loss is green tea. It is very important that the green tea is of high quality; once the whole leaf is cut, it oxidises, ie, the amount of antioxidants are reduced. Solaris green tea chai contains on average 95 per cent more antioxidants than usual tea bag teas.

A tea that has received a lot of media attention for weight loss is pu-erh. It is particularly good in breaking down fats before they are digested (which is good for lowering cholesterol ), and drawing toxins out of the cell interior. Solaris King of Pu-Erh has aged more than six years, which increases its efficacy compared to lower grade pu-erhs.

For clinical trials and research on the individual teas go to www.solaristea.com

The Solaris tea range has won six Great Taste Awards in two years and was awarded Best Irish Organic Grocery Product in 2007 and 2008. Joerg Mueller, founder of the company, is a practising medical herbalist in Galway. Consultations can be arranged at (087 ) 7818327.


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