Home required for CE scheme in Renmore

A new home needs to be found for the local Community Employment Scheme in Renmore. For the past 14 years the CE Scheme has been based in the Brothers of Charity’s Woodlands site and they now require the site back to construct a new building for Rosedale School.

The Renmore Parish Development Committee have sent out letters to homes in the Renmore/Ballyloughane area, looking for support for a proposal to relocate the CE Scheme to an alternative site in a field in Ballyloughane, just south of the railway bridge.

The CE Scheme have been in contact with Galway City Council, who have agreed to consider the feasibility of the proposal to develop an organic garden for the benefit of the local community and to improve biodiversity in the area. The Council will consider the proposal based the level local support for the project, and on an annual licensed use basis.

The new organic garden will serve to continue the upskilling and training in horticulture of the CE Scheme participants — all produce from the garden will help to support the Galway Hospice.

In their letter to households, the Renmore Parish Development Committee explain that the proposed new outdoor area would require a perimeter fence to be erected around the site for safety purposes with a native hedge to be planted alongside it, and members of the public will have the opportunity to see the works going on in the garden.

“The garden would also be used as an educational site for growing organically, interaction with the general public and local schools, giving local employment, giving opportunities for future employment for the participants, working with marginalised people, and building self-development for a brighter future.

“The securing of this site will be of vital importance, not just for participants in the Renmore Community Employment Scheme to continue with their training, but for the entire area, considering all of the work they do to keep Renmore and Ballyloughane looking in pristine condition all year round.

“The CE scheme (formerly FAS ) has been assisting in the upkeep of the Renmore area generally over the years and have served the community well in that time. We would like to see their continued involvement into the future by securing a new base for them in the local community.

“We are hoping that this project will be welcomed by the residents and by all who frequent the Ballyloughane Beach facility, and we are confident that this development will enhance the area greatly,” the letter included, while also expressing gratitude to the Brothers of Charity for allowing the use of their lands for such a long time.


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