Mairín Ní Chonghaile, a registered veterinary nurse and qualified animal behaviour technician believes puppyhood is a very important and delicate stage of a dog’s life.
During this time, your puppy will develop his/her personality, learn how to communicate, and form lifelong habits and behaviours. The first few months of your puppy’s life are the most important for social and training development.
During this time, it is extremely important that your puppy is exposed to new situations, environment, sounds, odours, locations, sight, surfaces to reduce fear of the unfamiliar that might otherwise develop as the puppy grows older. Your puppy should meet a variety of people – different ages, sex and appearance – in a wide range of situations.
During this time, it is also important to teach your puppy all the necessary life skills that he or she will need, to develop into a happy, confident and obedient dog.
The Puppy School was established to help your puppy develop appropriate social skills, learn suitable commands and obedience, and prevent them from developing any unwanted behavioural problems. The classes, will also guide you and provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve these goals. It will also help solve your puppy-related queries and questions.
The optimal time for your puppy to attend Puppy School is between 10-16 weeks, provided they are fully vaccinated. To reserve a place for your puppy in Puppy School, contact, 0877686118 or