County council must ‘clean up its act’ at Renville Park, says Healy Eames

Renville Park, “the most visited amenity in Oranmore” is untidy, there is litter strewn in the car parking areas, and the grass is not being cut. The Galway County Council must account for its “disgraceful state”.

This is the view of Fine Gael senator Fidelma Healy Eames who said many of the problems have resulted from the fact that the council has pulled the local FÁS scheme which had maintained the park “successfully for 20 years”.

According to Sen Healy Eames, she warned the county council’s environment section “on numerous occasions”, that the local Lackagh office would “not be able to manage Renville Park on top of its existing workload”.

She is now asking the council if it will “take responsibility for its decision and provide for on-going, not sporadic, maintenance” of Renville Park.

“The council should not have the right to pull a functioning scheme without replacing it with an equally workable arrangement,” she said. “Confidence needs to be urgently restored with a publicly notified system of maintenance for Renville Park.”


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