Preparing for Pregnancy programme at the Crane Clinic

The Preparing for Pregnancy programme at the Crane Clinic was created for individuals or couples who are thinking about starting a family, or who are undergoing egg or sperm preservation to help optimize overall health for healthy eggs, sperm and to create a nourishing uterine environment for implantation and pregnancy.

Preparing for Pregnancy is led by Aine Delaney, nurse, midwife and acupuncturist, with Bernie Doyle, acupuncturist and naturopath, and Emer Walsh BSc, nutritionist. They have many years' experience in successfully helping people navigate their fertility journey.

During your personalised programme at the Crane Clinic, a nutritionist will provide you with a nutrition and lifestyle plan that fits in with your current life circumstances, to ensure you are receiving the best nutrition to prepare your microbiome and your body that fits in with your current life circumstances, to ensure you are receiving the best nutrition to prepare your body and microbiome and that supports you if you are already taking fertility medication.

The team also help women to track their cycle and their cervical secretions to identify their fertile window. Acupuncture is used to regulate menstruation, balance hormones, improve ovarian function and egg quality, and to nourish the uterine lining by improving circulation and hormones to boost natural pregnancy or IVF outcomes and to help prevent miscarriage.

Electroacupuncture or Low Level Laser Therapy may also be used to improve egg and sperm quality if necessary. Regular acupuncture reduces stress and cortisol levels which relaxes the nervous system. The clinic's experienced professional therapists are all fully qualified and insured, and they will provide a safe space to chat about any ongoing concerns you may have.

For more information call the Crane Clinic on 091 525870.


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