Public have a month to suggest name for new Salmon Weir bridge

Photo: Una Sinnott

Photo: Una Sinnott

Members of the public have one month from Sunday to make suggestions as to what the new Salmon Weir Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge should be called.

The impressive structure which was officially opened last year does still not have a name, but that is set to end this Spring when an official title will be unveiled.

However, Galway City Council have invited the public to have their say and have initiated a process which will see suggestions being invited online until the second Sunday in February.

The Council’s Civic Naming Policy Group say that they recognise that public commemorations offer opportunities to honour, celebrate or remember a person, groups of people or events of significance.

“This protocol sets out the process by which Galway City Council will consider the commemoration of events or individuals, either by the naming of public infrastructure in the ownership or remit of Galway City Council or by the installation of a monument, memorial, or plaque in the public realm within the jurisdiction of Galway City Council.

The policy and application form are available online at and the application process for the Salmon Weir bridge will remain open until 6pm on Sunday, February 11.

Already several groups have made worthy suggestions regarding the naming of the bridge, and these will all be considered after the deadline passes in February. It is expected that the official naming will take place before the summer and that the appropriate bi-lingual signage will be in place at the same time.


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