One in six over 65s admit to feeling low over Christmas

As the Christmas season approaches, a survey conducted by Bounce Insights on behalf of HaloCare, has highlighted the pressing issue of social isolation among older people with one in six of those over 65 years of age in Ireland feeling low at Christmas time. Carried out in December 2023, the survey also found that one in 20 people surveyed over the age of 65 will be spending Christmas alone this year.

One of the many contributing factors to this growing isolation over the holiday period for the older generation is the impact of geographical distance from loved ones. Nearly half (49 per cent ) of over 65s surveyed reported having family members who live far away or abroad whom they would like to spend Christmas with, but can’t due to physical distance. Consequently, a number of older individuals will spend Christmas alone this year and will avail of homecare services to help them over the holiday period.

Compounding the challenges faced by many who rely on homecare services, according to the survey, the respondents often notice a decrease in the level of service available over the busy Christmas season, with 42 per cent of those who avail of homecare services noticing a disruption in their homecare recently.

Additionally, 39 per cent of seniors expressed reluctance to leave their homes in winter weather conditions, adding another layer of complexity to the already prevalent issue of loneliness among the older population.

“Here at HaloCare, we know all too well that older people can experience loneliness over the Christmas season," said Martin Dunne, managing director, HaloCare. "We operate 24/7, 365 days of the year, so we can provide the support and social engagement that our clients need all year round.

“There is no doubt that loneliness has detrimental effects on a person’s health. The World Health Organisation declared loneliness a pressing global health threat with mortality effects equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.”

A study from the European Commission named Ireland the loneliest country in Europe, and our older population is often the worst affected by this.

“We would like to remind people to check in on their older neighbours across this festive period and indeed as often as possible during the year," he added. "A quick 'hello' can make all the difference to people who may not have family or HaloCare to say hello every day.”


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