Bilingual festival for St Brigid’s Day

With a new public holiday on St Brigid’s Day, there is a new festival for Galway too.

Mayor Eddie Hoare at the launch of Tonnta last week, with (L to R) Pádraic Ó Ráighne, Aindriú D’Arcy, Bernadette Mullarkey, Pádraig Ó Beaglaoich, Siubhán Nic Grianna and Mary Rodgers.

Mayor Eddie Hoare at the launch of Tonnta last week, with (L to R) Pádraic Ó Ráighne, Aindriú D’Arcy, Bernadette Mullarkey, Pádraig Ó Beaglaoich, Siubhán Nic Grianna and Mary Rodgers.

Tonnta – ‘waves’ as gaelige – is a new festival for 2024 celebrating the Irish language and Galway as a bilingual city. Tonnta will run from Thursday, February 1 to Monday, February 5.

Gaillimh le Gaeilge, led by Bríd Ní Chonghóile, is the organisation behind the new event. Its mission is to enhance the visibility and audibility of the Irish language in Gaillimh | Galway.

“Is féile dhátheangach a bheidh i gceist le Tonnta ina mbeidh béim ar an nGaeilge. With the help of Irish speakers and a variety of bilingual cultural activities, we aim to introduce more non-Irish speakers to the Irish language.” says Ní Chonghóile. “It will also celebrate and showcase our vibrant and unique Gaeltacht culture over the weekend, as well as the legacy of St Brigid."

Events will include a fire show, a céilí on Eyre Square, bilingual comedy, readings and interviews, and a ‘trad rave’.

Tonnta is funded by Galway City Council, Fáilte Ireland, Plean Teanga Chathair na Gaillimhe and Gaillimh le Gaeilge. As part of the designation of Galway as a city of culture, a partnership is also being formed with the Galway Culture Company.

For info see


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