War of words as Collins lashes city councillors for motion to curtail airport concerts

The Pixies are among those scheduled to play at Galway Airport next August.

The Pixies are among those scheduled to play at Galway Airport next August.

A county councillor has lashed out at the actions of some city councillors who have moved to restrict the number of concerts at Galway Airport, saying their argument that it will impact tckets sales at the Arts festival held a month earlier ‘do not stack up.’

FG councillor David Collins is hopping mad over the move, saying it will put the already-announced concerts in jeopardy and could lead to disappointment to many who have alreday booked tickets.

MCD Promotions are staging the series of concerts at the former Airport site next August, weeks after the Galway Arts fesyival concludes, but some city councillors feel this will impact on festival sales.

However music insiders say that the tow can co-exist because of the time gap between them.

Cllr Collins said that he is disappointed and disillusioned by the motion passed by Galway City Council to try and restrict the number of Concerts in the Airport Site next August to 6.

“After I put forward the motion in March of this year to explore the idea of concerts in the airport site which was supported by all 39 County Councillors the last thing I thought was the City Councillors would have an objection towards the number of Concerts.

“This is totally wrong and may put the already booked concerts in jeopardy. I think that in making their decision that they totally forgot about the nearly 30,000 people who have tickets bought for the advertised concerts.

“Because of their decision there is a real danger that the promotor will not go ahead. The City Council executive tried to persuade the City Councillors that they were making the wrong decision, but they did not listen.

“This is bad for Galway and I think the people who voted for this motion need to look again at what they are doing to curb their constituents from enjoying live entertainment locally.

Three city councillors voted against the motion and in doung so, I think they have the best interest of all the people who have already booked tickets at heart and thank them for supporting the project There is absolutely no basis for this motion.

“They are saying that it might affect the Arts Festival which is happening in July. The Concerts are all planned for August.Their argument does not stack up and is not based on any sound evidence or footing.

“The fact the nearly 30,000 tickets are sold should show them the demand for this is huge and that there is room for these events and more.

“I would really encourage them to review their decision and change it for the benefit of the 30,000 people who have bought tickets and the potential 20,000 more that may buy tickets for further concerts.

“These people are our constituents, and we have a duty to make sure that we serve their needs well, which some of the city Councillors are not doing with this motion,” he concluded.


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