Time to make our roads safer, says Tuam candidate

Islammiyah Kadejo

Islammiyah Kadejo

Dear Editor

I would like to bring to the attention of the Galway County Council that residents in Athenry Road Tuam are concerned about issue of over speeding by motorists in the neighbourhood.

It is important to know that up to October 5 2023, 138 people who were loved by families, friends, and colleagues have died on Irish roads.

This is 25 more that this time last year with deaths 113 recorded. The residents in Athenry Road Tuam need prompt action to curb the issue and some have sent a letter to the county council regarding same, but the situation remains the same.

I urge Galway County Council to prioritise curbing over speeding in this neighbourhood to save lives and I suggest the council puts Zebra crossing with flashing light beacons on the road, few traffic ramps in place, have a speed van on the road more often, and ensure speed limits are enforced.

A prompt response will save lives. Ireland needs to stop traffic fatalities on our roads; we all need to work collaboratively with the Galway County Council to address, phase out the concern, and make our roads safer.


Islammiyah Kadejo

Green Party Rep and Candidate for Tuam area,


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