Fulfil your hopes and aspirations at Coláiste Muire Máthair

Starting a new school is a landmark moment in the life of a child. It can be a daunting prospect, filled with anxiety and excitement. However, it is also the beginning of a new adventure, a chance to make new friends, to try new sports and activities, to learn new subjects, a time to stand on your own two feet with a newly-found air of independence.

Coláiste Muire Máthair offers you the chance to fulfil your hopes and aspirations in a friendly and caring atmosphere. Following the amalgamation of Our Lady’s College and St. Mary's College in 2021 we are Galway’s newest school, we have years of experience behind us as educators, and with the experience and knowledge of our dedicated and dynamic staff we guarantee that the education you receive will be second to none. In addition, our excellent and empathetic care team will ensure that every student receives the care and attention they require to fulfil their potential and thrive.

Our school is continually developing. Over the past three years new modern specialist classrooms have been added and other classrooms upgraded, with more to follow. This development has served to enhance the pre-existing facilities. Consequently, we are in a position to offer a wide and varied range of subjects, in modern surroundings, that caters to the taste of all students. Furthermore, with over 15 acres of grounds and playing fields we offer outstanding facilities to encourage the holistic development of our students through numerous exciting extra and co-curricular activities.

We believe in an all-encompassing educational experience for our students, fostering excellent State Exam results as well as being active outside the classroom setting. We have a very busy and dedicated staff who readily give up their time to run activities for our students, and have achieved considerable success during our short existence. For instance, we are the current Irish U16 Boys Basketball champions, field boys’ and girls’ teams regularly in Gaelic Football and Volleyball, and had the most participants of any Galway school at the 2023 BT Young Scientist Exhibition. There is also an active Book club and Games room running at lunchtimes. In short, we try to cater for all needs, and are sure you’ll find your niche with us.

Why not come and visit us on our Open Night to see what we have to offer, you’ll be delighted you did! Applications will be accepted from October 2nd to November 13th, with admissions information and application forms available through our website www.cmmg.ie and the school office.


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