A tradition of excellence in education at Coláiste Iognáid

Located on Sea Road close to Galway city centre, Coláiste Iognáid is a coeducational secondary school with a long history of holistic education in the city.

The school is under the patronage of the Jesuits, an order with a tradition of education dating back to its foundation in the 16th century. While there are records of Jesuits educating the youth of Galway going as far back as the 17th century, Coláiste Iognáid has existed in its current location since 1862.

At present there are nearly 630 students on the college rolls, continuing in the same tradition that its founders envisaged. The Jesuit tradition may be centuries old, but the approach at the Jes, as it is affectionately known, is modern. The school aims to meet the needs of students in a secular world while keeping its core values to the fore.

The school is committed to a holistic approach to education, and places the development of students as individuals at the heart of its ethos. This is reflected in the broad range of extra- and co-curricular activities available.

The team at the Jes are committed to ensuring that, at the end of six years in Coláiste Iognáid, graduates have been provided with opportunities to develop their spiritual, emotional, social and academic abilities, along with the ability to work and flourish with others.

This solid foundation in both academic and personal development will put them on a good footing to competently live in the world and transform it.

Graduates also enjoy excellent academic results — the school regularly sees between 90 and 100 per cent of Leaving Cert students progress to university.

First year enrolment is now under way for September 2024, and applications are invited for places in the English and Irish sections for boys and girls. The school's admissions policy and annual admission notice are available on www.colaisteiognaid.ie A link to the application form will be available on the website on October 2. The final date for receipt of completed application forms is Friday, October 27 at 4pm.

An information evening for prospective parents for September 2024 will be held in the school on Wednesday, November 8 at 7pm. Coláiste Iognáid SJ is a voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of the Society of Jesus.


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