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Table Quiz in aid of Irish Cancer Society - Gort Cancer Support Centre

Ciaran Delaney, whose daughter was diagnosed with cancer some month ago is taking on the Dublin Marathon and Galway Half Marathon to raise funds for Irish Cancer Society and Gort Cancer Support Centre.

As part of the fundraising effort a Monster Table Quiz takes place in Tom Sheridans Bar and Restaurant in Knocknacarra on Wednesday October 11 starting at 8pm.

Terrific prizes on the night with first prize valued at well over 200e. Raffle on the night with great prizes also. Free finger food.

Tickets cost €10 per person 40e per table. Tickets/Tables can be booked in advance 086 2314697.

The questions will be asked by quizmaster Sean O’Leidhinn. Spread the word.

Storytelling workshops at University of Galway

University of Galway’s Storyteller-in-residence Máirín Mhic Lochlainn will deliver the second series of story-telling workshops at the University.

The five workshops, which will be delivered through Irish, are free and open to the public and will run every Wednesday, beginning on September 27, at 7pm at the Centre for Irish Studies, 4 Distillery Road, University of Galway.

Máirín has won several awards for story-telling including Corn Neidí Frainc at the Oireachtas festival. Developing the craft of story-telling is a mission for Máirín and she has conducted workshops in story-telling throughout Ireland, Wales and Denmark. She was a special guest at this year’s Cape Clear International Storytelling Festival.

Professor Louis de Paor, Director of the Centre for Irish Studies at University of Galway, said Máirín is one of the most accomplished performers working in the vernacular arts tradition here in Ireland.

“This is a marvelous opportunity therefore for anyone interested in the Irish language storytelling tradition.”

This project is funded by Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Údarás na Gaeltachta and The Arts Council, in association with the Centre for Irish Studies at University of Galway.

Further information available from Samantha Williams at 091-492051 or

Golf am-am in aid of Haitian orphanage

Haiti has a population of over 10.5 million and is not much bigger than Munster. Due to poverty, disease, unfavourabe unpredictable climate and low life expectancy, many children are orphaned and some abandoned with Our Little Brothers and Sisters Orphanage coming to their rescue.

A golf AM-AM to support the Orphanage will be held at Mountbellew golf club (09096 79259 / 087 9695924 ) all week from Monday September 25 to Saturday 30th September 30. Teams pay €80 to play;

Organisers are appealing to businesses and friends sponsor a Tee-box for €50 or €30 or donate to the fund-raiser.


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