Claregalway charity announces exciting new brand — Anam Croi

The Claregalway & District Day Care Centre has announced a new name and brand. The new name, Anam Croí, which loosely translates as ‘Heart and Soul’, was chosen following input from employees, volunteers, and residents of the charity’s housing project, along with local TY students from Coláiste Bhaile Chláir.

The name reflects the charity’s vision which is to build a thriving community for older people in the heart of Claregalway. Since its launch in 2012, the charity has built two distinct brands The Claregalway & District Day Care Centre and The Never Too Old Charity Shop.

Chairperson of the charity’s Board, Brona Simons, saiid that the day centre name is long and cumbersome and only reflects the day centre aspect of the charity’s work.

“The link between the day centre and the charity shop was often unknown, even by the regular customers of the shop. We also provide housing for independent living for older people in the district and this service was not represented in the current brand at all. “By introducing this new name we will now have Anam Croí Day Centre, Anam Croí Charity Shop and Anam Croí Housing, all under the one brand, with a new logo and colour scheme.

“We believe this new brand reflects and communicates our core values, resonates better with the members of our community and enables us to roll out new services under this brand in the future should we wish to do so.

“Most importantly the Anam Croí rebrand highlights the fantastic support the charity has received from the people of Claregalway, including all of the amazing volunteers, without whom we would not be able to provide the services we do today.”

Local Claregalway man Kevin Moran, MD, IMS Marketing said they were delighted to be asked to work on the development of the new brand with the charity.

“As well as the new name, we have also developed their new logo, which is based on the tree of life with a central heart, highlighting their caring qualities while also embodying their deep and rooted connection to the locality and community.

“We have also updated their brand colour palette, which is now more vibrant and dynamic, reflecting their energy and passion. This charity is doing some fantastic work for older people right at the heart of Claregalway and we wish them every success both with their new brand and in all the work that they do.”

The charity is also delighted to announce that they will soon be moving their charity shop from its current location behind the Arches Hotel, Claregalway, to new premises in The Courtyard behind Hughes SuperValu.

The new premises is currently being fitted out and is expected to open in October, and more details will be available then. The move to this much larger premises will allow the shop to consolidate their furniture shop with the traditional charity shop offering, (currently they occupy two different premises ), while also having room for their sorting and storage in the basement.

It will be an exciting move to the very heart of the village and is sure to draw keen shoppers from all over Galway and surrounding counties in search of a bargain.

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