Galway Childcare Committee launches newsletter

Galway Childcare Committee is launching a new e-newsletter for parents and guardians. The newsletter will provide up to date information on the National Childcare Policy and Programmes, in addition to eligible childcare subsidies such as the National Childcare Scheme (NCS ) and the Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme (ECCE ). Information on local events and projects which may interest families, such as community garden events, library initiatives and beach school experiences, will also be provided.

As we approach the new academic year of 2023/2024, some parents may have questions about their child’s needs when enrolling in preschool services. The Access and Inclusion model (AIM ) aspires to helping all children, regardless of ability, to access quality early learning and care through the ECCE programme and create a more inclusive culture in preschools. Children and preschool staff benefit from AIM through universal support for the sector, and targeted supports for individual children.

For further information and resources from the AIM programme for parents, including how to apply, see

If you are interested in subscribing to the parent/guardian e-newsletter, go to

Staff from Galway Childcare Committee provide support to both parents/guardians and potential and existing early learning and care providers. If you would like to make contact or cannot find information you need on the committee's website, email or phone 091 752039.

You can also follow Galway Childcare Committee on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for more up-to-date information.


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