Remembering Johnny Massacre at Joe Doran’s Huntington’s Walk

The late Johnny Massacre

The late Johnny Massacre

Some of you may recognise this street entertainer Johnny Massacre (aka John Doran ) who brought smiles and thrills to many people all over the country, but mainly Shop Street, Galway.

He died in a car crash two decades ago, and to honour his memory and raise funds for research into Huntington’s Disease, a walk is being held this Saturday at Lough Key Forest Park.

Johnny was Joe Doran’s younger brother. This month is the 20th anniversary of John’s death. Organisers know he would be there to support Joe, his cousins, fellow sufferers’ Awareness Walk for Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland if he could.

Walkers will gather from 10.00am to start walking by 10.45am at Lough Key Forest & Activity Park, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, located just off the N4 between Carrick-on-Shannon and Boyle, and it is a beautiful spot for a stroll and a picnic.Young or old and all in between are very welcome to join them in Lough Key Park and if you are unable, a few euros or cents to the fundraiser will help these people and their families.’s is a genetic illness.

The only unit in the whole of Ireland is in Bloomfield Hospital, Dublin, with specially trained staff. They take exceptional care and have great patience with our family members. “We know this because Joe is very happy there. So give what you can and hope to see you in the Park,” said the organisers.


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