Progressive professional equestrian qualifications at GCC in Galway city

Galway Community College, Wellpark, is continuing to offer the QQI Level 5 and the QQI Level 6 advanced horsemanship courses. This course is aimed at meeting the needs of the equine industry both nationally and internationally, through studying a variety of specialised modules and participating in practical experience to equip learners to progress within the equine industry.

On successful completion of the QQI Level 6 in Horsemanship learners are qualified to attain the Young Trained Farmers Award (Green Cert ).

These courses aim to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to be successful in the equine industry. Galway Community College aims to provide professional education and training to enable learners to pursue a career in the equine industry or continue their studies in further or higher education.

Numerous learning opportunities are available, such as presentations and talks by industry leaders from a variety of equestrian disciplines, trips to local events and equine yards, sales, and to competition and breeding yards, such as the National Stud.

This year all the equine class and their teachers participated in a two week Erasmus trip to Norway, fully funded by Leargas, where they got to do work experience in the Norwegian Horse Centre. This trip gave students the opportunity to engage at a practical level, through event organisation, riding, and receiving lessons.

By observing the systems and organisation in a different country, students will gain invaluable insight into setting up and running their own equine business. As practical learning experiences are a core element of this course, GCC has secured the support of both local and national horse industry personnel who provide their help and expertise to students.

This course is suitable if you want to achieve academic qualifications before starting work in an area of the equine industry. The practical elements of the course are delivered in local AIRE approved equestrian centres. Students complete their placement in equestrian facilities in order to have a blended approach to their learning and in order to fulfil the requirements of the work experience module. The theoretical elements of the course are taught both on site in Galway Community College and at specialist external facilities.

Many additional days are spent in professional equine facilities to observe and participate in yards or at national events. Travel to all classes and events is the responsibility of the student. Some commitment is required outside of timetabled classes. For more information and to apply online, see, email or follow @gccfurthered.


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