€1.9 million school maintenance and improvement funding for Galway schools

by Róisín Kilroy

Some €30 million has been allocated nationwide for school maintenance and improvements with nearly €2 million to be shared between schools across the county.

The fund was announced in April this year by Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD and will allow schools to have the autonomy to use the funding for maintenance and small-scale improvements to school buildings and grounds. The funding may also be used for minor works of improvement or replacement of mechanical and electrical services as well as the purchase of furniture and PE equipment alongside window and floor coverings and IT related equipment.

Local Fianna Fáil Minister, Anne Rabbitte TD, has welcomed the news saying, “This funding provides flexibility to address issues at local school level and may be used for the improvement or replacement of mechanical and electrical services, the purchase of standard furniture and physical education equipment, the purchase of floor coverings and window blinds and the purchase of IT related equipment.

“Early payment of these grants will provide schools in Galway with a good lead-in period to plan and undertake works that will support the operation of the school going into the 2023/24 school year.’’


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