Ireland’s changing drinking culture – but is it sustainable?

Historically, Ireland’s drinking culture has translated into a negative stereotype, but recently released research reveals that the beliefs, attitudes, and social norms that feed into this culture, can and are changing for the better.

According to this research, 39 per cent of all adults and 44 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds, agree that “Irish drinking culture has changed for the better over the last three years”.

One in two Irish adults (50 per cent ) disagree that “drinking to excess is just part of Irish culture” - double the number (19 per cent ) that disagreed with the statement when asked in 2019.

Sixty three per cent of Irish adults disagree that “we all drink to excess at some stage, it’s no big deal” - compared with 38 per cent who disagreed with the statement when asked in 2019.

These findings show not just the shift in adults’ view of the role of alcohol in Irish lives, but the appetite and importantly, the potential, for it to move in a positive direction. As the national independent charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol harm, Drinkaware has actively worked over the past three years to protect and promote public health. The charity has supported and enabled positive change regarding people’s expectations and experiences of alcohol and the findings from its 2022 Barometer indicate a significant attitudinal shift that is both positive and hopeful.

The charity also cautions that alongside these positive results, are two critical negative findings that need to be addressed if a healthier culture is to be sustained:

The Barometer surveys reveal increasing levels of binge drinking (six or more standard drinks in a single sitting ) over the past three years with one in four binge drinking as their norm.

The Barometer also tracked Irish adults’ mental wellbeing - utilising the SWEMWBS scale - which remains low and has not returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Drinkaware will continue to deliver and expand its work that directly addresses the public’s knowledge and understanding of what binge, risky and low risk drinking is, and how alcohol impacts mental wellbeing.

“Drinkaware’s annual Barometer survey shows us the real time behaviours and attitudes of Irish adults towards alcohol," said Drinkaware CEO Sheena Horgan. "Having asked these culture questions in the 2019 survey, we felt it was time to ask them again to see if there had been a cultural shift, because a positive culture leads to positive behaviour and vice versa.

"The research shows that there has been a seismic positive shift in how Irish adults relate alcohol consumption to Irish culture. In particular, the belief that drinking alcohol to excess is an accepted and expected part of our culture has greatly decreased and the public are more aware that drinking to excess is harmful and in fact a ‘big deal’.

"As a nation, Ireland has a lot to be very proud of, but our rich, diverse, and beautiful culture is too often overshadowed with a negative drinking narrative that is simply outdated. There’s been a lot of talk about a new mindful approach to drinking, that is quantifiably evident in the data and it’s important to acknowledge the attitudinal and behavioural improvements that are taking place.

"Of course, there is still more progress to be made, especially regarding levels of excessive/binge drinking and the accepted use of alcohol to cope with difficulties. Drinkaware actively supports the public with the tools, resources, tips, and advice to address these, and to constantly push for and promote sustainable and sustained positive change regarding alcohol."


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