Connected Future — unlocking the potential of a digitally connected world

itag’s AtlanTec Festival is back this year as an in-person event. The 2023 Festival takes place from 8 - 18 May. Over ten days itag looks forward to hosting key events across the region and online sessions will also be available.

This year’s topic is Connected Future - Unlocking Potential of a Digitally Connected World, and explores our interconnectedness, and leading and thriving in a digitally transformed world.

Three half-day summits will be held in the Bailey Allen Hall, University of Galway which will include keynote speakers, moderated panel conversations and round-table discussions. Opportunities and challenges in AI, Cloud Native, and future-proofing your leadership are the topics showcased in the half-day summits.

The AtlanTec Festival provides a platform that connects our tech community along the AtlanTec Gateway with leading experts across Ireland and around the world.

Across the region we will host sessions that include interest groups, community technology, education technology, ICT, networking and sports and social events. The Festival inspires attendees and facilitates creativity, innovation and collaboration across multiple sectors and communities - helping to connect our tech clusters and to build a better digital world.

A key event in Ireland’s tech conference calendar, itag’s AtlanTec Festival 2023 is supported by our technology community including Avaya, Cisco, DXC Technology Fidelity Investments, GTC, Genesys, HPE, itag Skillnet, Neueda, Network Galway, Rent the Runway Storm Technology, The University of Galway, Tech North West, Donegal Tech and our media partner the Galway Advertiser and many more.

For the AtlanTec Festival 2023 calendar of events see


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