No need for people to be suffering in pain, says city businesswoman after Spanish surgery

Chris Roche

Chris Roche

People who endure constant pain while on long waiting lists for procedures could save themselves the agony and the time by availing of the EU Cross Border Health Directive, said a well-known Galway city businesswoman.

Chris Roche, who runs the Stitches clothing alteration shop on Eyre Street in Galway City Centre has spoken of how she flew to Spain for surgery after waiting SEVEN years to move up the HSE surgical list.

Chris discovered she could get the surgery she so desperately needed on her hand using a little-known EU law.

Under the EU Cross Border Health Directive, people across the EU – including Ireland – have the right to travel for healthcare to other EU countries. In Ireland, the HSE reimburses most, if not all, of the costs. The directive no longer applies to Northern Ireland.

Chris began suffering pain in both her hands over 20 years ago during a time she was running a B&B and making ragdolls for the tourism and craft market.

“I was in constant pain which was being treated with steroid injections for years,” says Chris who along with her daughter Danielle, run Stitches Alterations & Haberdashery.

“Unfortunately, having too many injections long term only exasperates the underlying problem, they don’t cure the problem, they are a short-term pain relief measure that eventually stop working. Having reached that point, I was referred to a surgical team over seven years ago” says Chris.

“It had got to the point where I could no longer use my right hand. Holding a hairbrush was difficult, writing was difficult, my working life was hugely restricted – I couldn’t even peel a spud.”

She began taking turmeric which she says “helped ease the pain somewhat, making everyday tasks that we take for granted somewhat bearable again”.

“Last year I received a letter from the HSE saying I had been on a waiting list for six years and asking if I still wanted an appointment,” said Chris.

“I did get an appointment in January 2022 and to be fair to the consultant, he arranged for me to have another more detailed injection the following day as a last resort and in an effort to prolong surgical intervention. I was to go back to that consultant within six weeks to see if there was any improvement but unfortunately that appointment came about some 14 months later.

“Knowing this appointment would be for a review only and not knowing how long more it would take to have surgery in Ireland, I made the decision to fly to Spain.”

“I had never heard of the EU Cross Border Directive. Pain gripped me one day in the shop when trying to hold a needle and a Lithuanian friend asked why I was suffering, she explained to me how I could go to another EU country for healthcare. Our friends in other EU countries use it all the time. It’s normal for them,” she said.”

Healthcare Abroad

A company which facilitates this is called Healthcare Abroad — an Irish cross-border healthcare service, that helps people by-pass long waiting lists to receive free care in EU Countries, under the EU Cross-Border Healthcare Directive.

Healthcare Abroad locate the best hospitals, surgeons that are the right fit for your requirements. They assist you with gathering pre travel requirements, like blood tests, scans, GP referral letter, etc.

They also liaise with your GP and diagnostic centre to gather your pre travel medical documents. They organise your hotel and travel booking and will meet you in all Irish airports before departure and EU Airports on arrival.

Healthcare Abroad provide transfers from the airport to your hotel and hospital; look after all your paperwork; and liaise with the HSE on your behalf and ensure your refund application form is submitted.

Every citizen is entitled to use the cross border directive whether you have health insurance or a medical card and you don not need to be on a waiting list.

This scheme is available to any person that would be entitled to treatment in an Irish hospital. You simply need a referral letter from your GP.

“I went online, filled in a form with Healthcare Abroad and received a phonecall the next morning. Three weeks later I was in Spain preparing myself for surgery, I couldn’t believe how quickly it was all arranged”.

Chris flew into Alicante airport and was met at the airport by the Healthcare Abroad Team. This organisation sources private hospitals across Spain where Irish patients can be treated under the EU Directive.

She underwent surgery on her right hand at the HCB Hospital in the city of Denia, an hour north of Alicante. The Galway woman also had surgery to repair a tendon in her right foot while in Spain.

Chris said: “I was in Spain for three days when I got a call from Galway regarding an appointment in Ireland. I explained I had exercised my rights under the EU Directive to go to Spain, that after seven years waiting I couldn’t turn down the opportunity of having my surgery within three weeks. I also explained that I will need similar surgery on my left hand and so I remain on the waiting list for that.”

“The care I received in Spain was exceptional. I can’t thank everyone in Denia enough – the hospital staff, the Healthcare Abroad staff and their carers/drivers, the staff at the Daniya Denia Hotel, everyone was hugely helpful. Although I travelled to Spain alone, at no time did I feel alone. I met lots of other Irish patients and their family members, everyone helped each other out.”

“For those considering exercising their right under the EU directive, if you need surgery you do not need to be on a waiting list. Patients pay for their surgery in Spain and the HSE reimburse all or most of the costs about 16 weeks after you get home, most Credit Unions will assist with this cost while waiting for the reimbursement. Each patient must pay for their own flight and hotel costs, the HSE do not pay for these. As you are being treated under Irish law and the costs are covered by the HSE, you go back into the care of the HSE when you get home.”

When asked if she would recommend this to other people, Chris said “Absolutely, I would have no hesitation, there is no need for anyone to suffer in pain. I appreciate the hospital staff here in Ireland are doing their very best but they are swamped, if nothing else, people travelling will help ease the burden and the waiting lists”.

“I am looking forward to getting back into Stitches and enjoying the buzz in the shop once I`ve fully recovered and being able to do all the things I have been unable to do for years,” she concluded.

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