Thousands of cars on Irish roads without an NCT certificate

An estimated 375,000 cars on Irish roads were without a valid certification of roadworthiness last month, and there are now reports the Road Safety Authority is in negotiations with NCT operator Applus over the potential imposition of fines.

When asked recently by if fines would be levied, the RSA would not discuss specific details, as the contract with Applus is commercially sensitive.

“However, it does contain clauses relating to the application of service credits, where service levels in the contract are not being met,” the spokeswoman told

he added that the RSA has “leveraged the mechanisms” within the contract and the matter is currently under discussion. Meanwhile Applus says it has recruited 24 vehicle inspectors so far in 2023, and that recruitment is still ongoing.

The firm also says it has begun night-time testing in its Northpoint Test Centre in Dublin in a bid to clear backlogs.

The company is reported as saying that it expects a significant improvement in service delivery in the second quarter of this year – and a full return to normal service levels at the start of the third quarter.

Free NCTs offered

Free NCT tests have been offered to some 2,100 motorists up to mid-March this year, following delays due to a massive backlog.

Under a customer charter, a driver can qualify for a free test if they are not offered an appointment within 28 days of seeking a test. However, NCT operator Applus says this is only if the test is overdue by more than seven days at the time of contact, or if an appointment was offered seven days or more before the test due date.

The company is also reported as saying that a free test will also not be offered if the vehicle owner has made specific requests for suitable days, times or dates, and has failed to attend an appointment, declined or rearranged two or more appointments, or previously accepted or requested an appointment outside the 28-day period.

The charter rules were relaxed during lockdown, but were reinstated last October.


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