University of Galway will host a Traveller and Roma Film Festival, 'WHIST A THARY!', next Tuesday March 21

Traveller and Roma Film Festival to be hosted in University of Galway

Traveller and Roma Film Festival to be hosted in University of Galway

The festival programme includes eight feature length films from a variety of countries including Pavee Lackeen (2005 ), Irish made film Float Like a Butterfly (2018 ), Fellini classic La Strada (1954 ), French film Gagarine (2020 ) and the critically acclaimed An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker (2013 ).

Mainstream cinema often portrays Traveller and Roma communities through narrow stereotypes of violence, criminality or mysticism, while less widely seen cultural cinema has forged a small but significant tradition of more authentic and celebratory representations.

This four day curated festival of critically acclaimed film highlights this tradition and brings members of the Traveller and Roma communities from inside and beyond the University together with the wider community and the general public in discussion of how diverse ethnicities can be celebrated, in and through media. ‘Whist A Thary’ is a phrase from the Irish Cant language which translates as ‘Stop your talking and look’!

This film festival has been organised as part of Nelson Mandela Anti-Racism Week at the University of Galway with the support of Club Scannán Sailearna. This week of events aims to empower our University community to act on Nelson Mandelas Anti-Racism vision and our values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability through the advancement of race equality and anti-racism. It will run from Tuesday March 21 to Friday March 24.

All screenings will take place in the Bank of Ireland Theatre on the University campus.

Find out more information on the festival's full programme and how to book tickets here: Tickets are free but need to be booked in advance.


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