THE AMERICAN filmmaker Jon Jost will host a special workshop at the Galway Film Fleadh in conjunction with the Galway Film Centre. A number of his films will also be screened during the fleadh.
Mr Jost is a prolific filmmaker who has made more than 20 shorts and 14 feature length films, all of which he has conceived, written, photographed, directed, and edited.
Beginning on Tuesday July 7, the workshop will be very hands on and practical. Its aim is to familiarise participants with the qualities small digital DV and HDV cameras possess and to experiment in using these capacities in a creative manner. The workshop will also focus on the various types of in-camera effects and how best to combine these with non-linear computer editing systems.
Those attending the workshop are advised to bring a DV or HDV (or Hi8 ) camera and if possible a notebook computer which can be used for editing. The workshop will culminate on Sunday July 12 where participants will have the opportunity to screen the short films which they will make in the workshop at a special screening in the Cinemobile.
For further information contact
A special evening of Mr Jost’s films will take place in the Cinemobile during the Fleadh (July 7 to 12 ) where the following films will be screened: Rant - a portrait of Steven Lack, actor and full-time painter/artist in the New York scene since the late 1970s; Mr Right - a look at contemporary Korean through the eyes of a couple; and Landing In The Morning Calm - about young Americans in Seoul.