This week ETBs all over Ireland are celebrating 10 years of Education and Training Boards. Galway Community College (GCC ) is taking part in the celebrations by ensuring learners are aware of opportunities in education on its campus in Galway city.
Recently announced as the site for GRETB’s ‘College of the Future,’ GCC continues to ensure its range of courses meet the needs of its learners. Its social media channels @gccfurthered, and its website have lots of information, testimonials, and videos outlining the courses offered. The college extends a warm welcome to anyone interested in these courses to attend an open day on March 7, from 9am to 4pm. GCC also offers Classroom Connect, where guidance counsellors can request an information session via Zoom for their students, email for more information.
GCC is now taking applications online for all full-time further education courses at both Level 5 and 6, commencing in September 2023. Further education, widely known as PLC (post Leaving Certificate ) courses, are full-time programmes for people who have completed their Leaving Certificate or equivalent, recently or in the past, and for adults returning to education or hoping to change their career path.
The courses offered in GCC develop technical and practical skills for a QQI (Quality & Qualifications Ireland ) qualification, recognised internationally. The courses are designed to allow students to develop knowledge and core skills, all completing at least two weeks' work experience in local businesses and industry. The college offers an extensive Erasmus programme, where students can travel abroad to complete work placements in their subject area, allowing them to improve their confidence while exploring new cities. This is fully funded by Leargas Ireland. This year students have travelled to Norway, Portugal, and Spain. GCC recently welcomed teachers from Italy as part of a collaboration to help strengthen best work practices and professional development.
GCC students progress to employment, apprenticeships, and university. These courses offer an alternative route to higher education, earning up to 390 CAO points. For some, completing a PLC course offers the opportunity to try out a subject of interest before committing to a longer-term course in higher education.
Situated close to the city centre at Moneenageisha Junction, GCC Further Education College continues to offer courses in six specialist Departments: Social Care; Business and Secretarial; Graphic Design and Motor Technology; Film, Music, and Theatre; Science; and Sport, Equine and Horticulture.
New for this year is a physiotherapy assistant (health service skills ) course, which aims to provide learners with the skills, knowledge, and competencies to work under supervision in a variety of healthcare settings and to progress on to potential employment as a physiotherapy assistant or a health care assistant. GCC is now taking applications for all courses, see for more information.
An open day for all prospective students will take place on Tuesday, March 7, from 9am to 4pm.