Modern matchmaker helps love to grow in all the right places

Jennifer Haskins, the founder of successful dating agency, Two's Company, has helped thousands of people to find love, appreciation and partnership since its creation in 2008.

Founded in 2008, Two's Company's website boasts some 3,200 successful dates, nearly 400 marriages and some 700 happy couples, with Introductions Director Jennifer having influenced the love lives of thousands of people across the country, even being directly responsible for the creation of some more.

Speaking on the impact that Two's Company has had, she said, "I remember hearing a quote once which said the measure of someone's life is how many lives a person has touched along the way and I've touched a lot of peoples lives. I have played my part in creating the next generation."

Matchmaking has been a core tenet of Irish culture for centuries but thanks to migration, colonisation and modernisation, the old school practice of someone from a neighbouring village with a keen eye for potential romance is largely a thing of the past but Two's Company has simply adapted the old ways but with a modern technological element.

When it comes to the old school guide of making sure to get the measure of someone, Haskins meets hopeful singles using zoom, providing an in-depth consultation a process which results in the prospective candidate signing a contract confirming that all they have said is true and legitimate as well as providing some form of ID.

The safety element of Two's Company has been built around Haskin's own concerns regarding safety while she had been using dating apps.

"I had a bad experience with online dating and it made me very aware of the safety element. I looked up to see if there was a safe way to meet the opposite sex and found out about agencies. I researched different agencies, joined one and met a partner.

"For our female members, it's very safe, for women that's a big factor. Women are terrified and given my past experiences I don't blame them because you do not know who you are meeting, you don't know if they're telling the truth. There are guides for keeping safe while online dating which have been written over the years, even when you're 'safe' you are taking a risk.

"In 16 years, I have never had anything untoward happen, bar maybe a bruised ego," she added with a laugh.

The action would kick start Haskins on her own matchmaking journey, one which has seen Two's Company grow into a nationwide operation with bases in Galway, Donegal, Belfast and Cork. With a background in psychology and working in people focused environments, Haskins soon realised she was a prime candidate to play cupid. Thanks to an opening in the market, Haskins took the chance and set up Two's Company and it has helped to connect like-minded singles who had become disillusioned with app-based dating.

"I'm only interested in taking on members who are serious."

"Two's Company has been personality based from the beginning, it's the personal touch that makes it. Every single day I get calls from girls and guys saying, 'I am so fed up with online'. I remember when the apps started thinking, 'wow, this is going to put me out of business', but instead it helped.

"People who were disillusioned with it (app dating ) came to us, we were a natural progression and it's highlighted the need for agencies, not everyone wants to be online. People get disillusioned by the process and the limitations of it, those are the very people who come to me. They are the people who don't want something fleeting or casual, they want a proper relationship.

"We are not so much a dating agency, if I were specific about what we do, we are a relationship agency. We specialise in people who want something authentic, real and long-term."

The process of arranging matches takes place in stages, starting with an initial consultation via zoom where Haskins gets to know the potential member, what they are looking for and what their core values may be.

"Values are the most important in a relationship, attraction can be there but what happens in a few years when you're together? It's nice to have in the beginning and people often need it, but for the long term you need to have the same values, what is important to you. For example, someone might put value on education, someone else might see fitness as important, also spirituality and religion.

"You need to get what this person's life is like, what drives them and is most important and that is what is going to keep a couple together, it's when they value the same things. I hear about so many marriages that break up and when you start getting into it, you will often find that it's different values. Communication is another one, because most people who can communicate can get through a lot of stuff."

The next stage in the process is membership, on the Two's Company website it is stated that that membership will only be offered if they believe they can offer you what you're looking for and they can provide a guaranteed number of quality introductions.

"Some people will come in on a standard membership and then say, 'actually I want more introductions', or 'I want specifics'. I believe that there's not a one size fits all business, it can't be. It's not a conveyor belt, I need to know who you are as an individual and learn what are your requirements. I like to take on people who might be more challenging and like to tailor make the approach.

"It can make a huge difference for what we can offer and what they are going for. Members are always guaranteed a number of memberships and we are contracted to provide a level of service to them and we are affiliated with the governing body in the UK who have a standard of practice that we follow."

With Two's Company 32 county approach and featuring members from their 20's to their 70's, there's something out there for everyone. While there can be a negative element linked to dating agencies and a misconception that those who use them are desperate, but Haskins said it couldn't be further from the truth.

"People are so nervous when meeting with someone or engaging with them, it's so normal now but if people knew who I had on my books they would run to us, because people have a misconception that people who use agencies are desperate, but in reality, it's the fussy ones. It's the people who don't want to settle.

"People settle because they are afraid of the idea of being alone, but when they embrace it they will find it's easier to get out of their comfort zone and that's the kind of attitude we like and encourage.

"It's for people who say, 'I'm going to invest in meeting the right person and taking the right step."

As well as playing cupid for others, Haskins is lucky in love herself having recently become engaged to her fiancé, Raymond and is surrounded with the air of happiness that only comes with true love.


Jennifer and her fiancé, Raymond. 

For anyone interested in reaching out to Haskins and Two's Company, or even to read happily coupled former member's testimonies, you can do so via or by calling 01 430 4017.


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