€16 million allocated for new deep water quay at Ros A Mhíl

€16 million in 2023 for the new deep water quay at Ros A Mhíl has been welcomed by local TD and Government Chief Whip, Minister Hildegarde Naughton.

Contractors were appointed last December for the project which will cost €30 million in total. When completed the project will provide an additional 200 metres of quayside to accommodate larger fishing vessels and attract additional landings from both Irish and non-Irish fishing vessels.

“Additionally, a recent report from Údarás na Gaeltachta identified Ros an Mhíl as a suitable location for the development of a floating offshore wind hub, with the potential to create up to 900 jobs,” said Minister Naughton.

“The study indicated that the development of a deep water port would allow it to function as a support location for the floating offshore wind (FOW ) sector,” the Galway based TD said.

“The report indicated that the ports proximity to offshore project locations and its potential deep berth could make it an attractive location for investment from the industry. The port itself is owned by Údarás na Gaeltachta and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

“In that light, early last year we signed off at Cabinet on a €30 million redevelopment of Ros An Mhíl port which will fund the construction of a deep-water pier which will provide an extra 200 metres of quayside. The contractor was appointed just before Christmas,” Minister Naughton said.

“This, together with the Ten-T status I secured for the Port of Galway last year, which will allow it attract the highest level of European funding, illustrates that there is no lack of appreciation in Government of the potential of wind energy for the West of Ireland and in Galway and Connemara in particular.

“It is my firm view that we can significantly benefit from this energy resource in the years ahead thereby both reducing emissions and providing employment in the region.”


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