Training and work experience opportunities with Youth Work Ireland Galway

Youth Work Ireland Galway is a local community-based youth organisation in Galway, which provides youth services to young people 10-24 years of age across Galway City and County.

It provides after-school groups, one to one supports and small group work, and also supports volunteer led youth clubs, provide a free youth counselling service and manage youth councils for Galway City and County. Services are provided by youth workers, counsellors, volunteers and youth work assistants.

In partnership with the Department of Social Protection Youth Work Ireland Galway currently sponsors 35 Community Employment (CE ) Placements in a variety of roles, supporting and working alongside youth workers and volunteers.

Participants on a CE placement work 19.5 hours a week. During this time, they learn key skills, gain confidence and can take advantage of the many training opportunities on offer while on the CE scheme. Each participant has a training budget that allows them to avail of QQI training.

QQI training is delivered within a Quality Assured Framework which enables participants to obtain FETAC Awards and Qualifications, which can lead to Major Awards on the National Framework of Qualifications. Many of the participants have availed of these training opportunities and have gone on to secure full-time employment or move on to further and higher education at the end of their time with the scheme.

To qualify for a CE Placement, you must be over 21 years* and in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for 12 months. You can find out if you are eligible by contacting your Case Officer or your local INTREO Centre, who will then refer your interest to Youth Work Ireland Galway. If you have been out of work for 12 months and are looking for a way back into the working world, then becoming part of a Community Employment Scheme with Youth Work Ireland Galway can give you that opportunity. CE participants, whilst with the youth service, have gained fantastic work experience, with some having completed the Diploma in Youth & Community Development Practice, BA in Community, Youth & Family Studies from the University of Galway as well as many different courses that they are interested in.

For more information on how to apply to join the Youth Work Ireland Galway team, contact CE Supervisor, Maria Lyng, (086 ) 7013951 or for more information.


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