O'Flaherty urges attendance for public briefing meeting for proposed Bus Connects

Independent City Councillor Terry O’Flaherty is urging people living on the city’s east side to study a proposed new layout for the main road running through the area and make their views known on the plan.

BusConnects Galway: Dublin Road is a continuous 4km corridor of high quality pedestrian, cyclist and public transport facilities running east of the Moneenageisha Junction to the Doughiska Road Junction.

The emerging preferred route will be outlined at a briefing meeting in the Renmore Community Centre on Monday next, January 23, from 3pm to 7pm and members of the public are invited to attend.

Cllr O’Flaherty said it was important that as many people as possible attend the meeting and also study the proposed plan in detail on the Galway City Council website. www.galwaycity.ie

“There will be many changes along the route, which is 4.2 kilometres long, so it’s important that people living in the area, and others who travel along this road familiarise themselves with what’s involved, and make their views known to the council.

“The meeting next Monday will be a good opportunity to see the plan in detail and ask questions, and the full plan is on the council website for anyone who can’t make the meeting,” she added.

The emerging preferred route consists of dedicated bus lanes in each direction for the full length of the route, as well as segregated cycle lanes and footpaths.

Dublin Road will remain two-way for general traffic, and all major junctions along the route will be upgraded to signalised junctions, with provision made for pedestrians and cyclists.


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