Lyons calls on City Council to recruit school wardens

The lack of a School Warden around two National Schools in Knocknacarra has created ongoing safety concerns for local councillor Donal Lyons.

Bercause of that he has this week agai raised the issue of the lack of a School Warden on the Clybaun Road with officials at the Transport Directorate at Galway City Council and he has now have written to the Director of Services, Transport Directorate requesting the need to immediately recruit a School Warden for the Clybaun Road.

“From the beginning of October 2022 there has been no School Warden operating on the Clybaun Road adjacent to the entrance to the White Oaks estate which is one of the entrances to St. John the Apostle National School.

“I now understand that this post will be vacant until the end of February. I have been making ongoing representations to Galway City Council seeking to have a temporary School Warden recruited to cover this post.

He said that there is genuine concern among parents of children attending St. John the Apostle National the need for the appointment even on a temporary basis of a School Warden.

“The Clybaun Road is a very busy thoroughfare and although there is a Pelican Crossing on the road, I believe that there is also the need to have a School Warden to help children safely cross to school at this location.

“Over the weekend, I have been reliably informed that the School Warden operating close to Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh has retired. This absence will see two national schools without School Wardens.

“It is vital that the process of advertising, interviewing and appointing School Wardens should be expedited and that they are recruited at the earliest opportunity. I will continue to make representations to Galway City Council on this important issue,” he added.


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