Anger as twice-rejected Gort Biogas Plant approved by An Bord Pleanala

An Bord Pleanala has granted permission for the major Gort Biogas plant to go ahead, overturning previous rejection decisions by Galway County Council and creating what opponents have called “another potential environmental disaster” for South Galway.

Gort Biogas Concern Group member Ciaran O’Donnell said the decision is disappointing as it has not taken local concerns into consideration.

“This is very disappointing and surprising for us here in South Galway,” he told the Advertiser.

“We have conducted detailed research and highlighted some key fundamental flaws in the Biogas planning application in relation to traffic, omissions, public health and water demand, with significant real and potential impacts on our local SACs of Coole Park”.

The news is doubly disappointing, he said as Gort has been put forward for the Public Realm Regeneration Scheme, providing a one in a lifetime opportunity to redesign the town centre for modern living.

“Together with the highly praised Gort Riverwalk and the future potential of the Red Route Cycle way, this would put Gort firmly on the map as an attractive place to live and work, while attracting tourists and new business to the area.

“Building a Biogas facility of this magnitude in the town would simply destroy future development potential in South Galway. Fundamental flaws in the application were clearly highlighted,” he said, yet were “ignored during the decision making process by An Bord Pleanala, a body recently described as being “in a critical state”.


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