DRIVING HISTORY: Where we take a journey through someone’s driving past

Cllr Michael ‘Moegie’ Maher, Cathaoirleach of the County of Galway

Current Car — Cllr Maher currently drives a Opel Insignia, it’s the reliable workhorse for many a sales rep, offering comfort and dependability for high milers. It also belies the surprising history and ambition of the Loughrea area councillor. His first car was an Austin Allegro back in the late 70s or early 80s. It was in the ‘ ZIM days’ he remembers, bought second hand and served him for a couple of years before being traded for a Ford. Working for Musgraves at the time, Michael progressed to a brand new Jaguar and a Merc he fell in love with .

Favourite Journey — As Cathaoirleach of the County he travels a lot and cheerfully states that his favourite journey is anywhere in Connemara. ‘I love the drive to Clifden’ adding that the landscape is his main attraction, though he does express some fustration at the tourist traffic during peak season.

Soundtrack— Always with an ear for what’s happening locally, Michael stays tuned into local radio when in the car. He is a Keith Finnegan listener and often a guest on the Galway Bay FM morning show. But it is not all hard news and current affairs in the Opel, Moegie says he likes a ‘bit of classical music’ at times. Favourite Passenger— The politician and family man has no great list of perfect passengers. No captains of industry or head of government for Cllr Maher, he would choose any of his family first and foremost.

Dream Chauffeur — Michael declares he would love a driver ‘for work’ and accepts given the times we are in, it is unlikely that Comhairle Chontae na Gaillimhe would cover the cost of a chauffeur. He describes himself as ‘a good easy going passenger’ so he would have no preference.

Lotto Win Car— Michael’s driving history from Allegro to Ford, through the Jag years and now the Insignia leave one wondering what would he be driving if he hit the jackpot. Unashamedly the Councillor declares he would buy a ‘Roller’ Yes, a Rolls Royce and not some second hand, barn yard find. No, a brand new one. He laughs “sure why wouldn’t ya, It’s would be great to have that sort of money.”


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