Give the gift of wildlife this Christmas

Lorraine Fletcher is an artist based in Galway, where she works in a studio nestled amongst the majestic surroundings of the Burren Nature Sanctuary.

“I count myself very lucky to work from there.” Is it any wonder then that she has a preference for capturing wildlife in her art then? Having set up her full time business in 2013, she worked in design and interior design before that. “I always had a passion for animals, and liked the idea of being a vet when I was younger, but it turned out I had more of a creative mind than one for science!”

A musician too (Lorraine plays the fiddle ), her new exhibition, Time & Place, opened in her hometown of Armagh last week alongside fellow musicians and artists Aidan McGillion and Malachy O’Neill. Lorraine’s work, focusing in on wildlife, captures moments through expression and colour with relation to human connections and emotion.

Each painting hones in on its subject, which is shown vividly. With grey backgrounds, the focus is on the animal. Expressions and compositions are important in Lorraine’s work, with an emphasis placed on the beauty and strength in each animal, from the elegant stag to the curious and powerful owl. If you love wildlife and colour, you have found the right gift to give this Christmas!

The paintings within Time & Place are symbolisms of relationships and memories, the people and the impact they have had over the years. The hare plays a particularly important role in Lorraine’s work. “The hare is such a mystical animal.” She drew some inspiration from the song ‘The Granemore Hare’ by Dick Gaughan, which tells a tale from where Lorraine grew up.

Another piece Lorraine highlights is the largest piece in the collection. “It’s entitled ‘Together’, and it signifies supporting each other. A stag, hedgehog and badger are captured with a halo of copper behind them.”

You can find Lorraine’s work on her website, and in Standuns, My Shop... Granny Likes It and Two Wild Geese.


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