Organic salmon and vegetable fritters with wild rocket and vegetable dressing

Wild salmon would be far better for this dish but due to the sustainability of wild salmon the organic salmon makes a good substitute.

This recipe comes courtesy of Oscar’s restaurant. Images courtesy of Serves two.


Two salmon supreme, each cut into two pieces

10g flour

5g butter

Oil for cooking

For fritters

100g sweetcorn, puréed to a paste in liquidiser

1 free range egg

40g plain flour

1 small carrot, diced fine

1 white turnip, diced fine

half a red onion, diced fine

8 fine beans, chopped fine

10g parsley, chopped fine

Salt and pepper to season


50g wild rocket

30ml extra virgin olive oil

Juice from half a lemon

20g carrot, diced fine

20g white turnip, diced fine

10g red pepper, diced fine


Mix together all ingredients for the fritters and form them into a batter.

Mix all ingredients for the dressing and place aside.

Heat a non stick pan with a little oil. When hot place a dessert spoon of the fritter batter onto the oil and allow to flatten slightly into a small pancake shape. Cook on both sides until golden, remove from pan and hold warm. You will need six fritters.

When the fritters are cooked season and lightly flour the salmon and heat a pan. When hot add the butter and a little oil, and sear the salmon on both sides until lightly cooked.

Place one fritter onto each serving plate. Place a piece of salmon atop the fritter and build up until all three fritters are used.

Gently heat the dressing and check the seasoning. Dress a cordon of the vegetable dressing around each fritter and serve straight away.


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