CATU Galway to hold AGM in city next week

CATU Galway is having an AGM on November 15 in Aras na Gael and online from 6:30-8pm.

At the AGM members will be forming a committee and making plans for the coming months to best address local housing issues.

The union has been founded to fight for the betterment of the community and its residents; particularly tenants, renters, and those living in precarious conditions.

“By a union we mean you, and fellow members of the community together to combat common problems,” said a spokesperson”

“An organisation fighting for collective gains in the homes, communities, and lives of all of our members through the medium of direct action.

“The public are encouraged to join up to get a wide representation of all the stakeholders in the community. To join the union and find out more, see

“As housing is such a pressing issue particularly in Galway city, I think many local listeners would be keen to hear more and get involved,” she said.


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