Youth Circus is a powerful tool for social change says Galway Community Circus director

Galway Community Circus, University of Galway – Drama and Theatre Studies and the Irish Street Arts, Circus and Spectacle Network (ISACS ) will host Circus Education: Creativity and Inclusion in Learning, a free two-day conference taking place 18-19 November at the O’Donoghue Centre at University of Galway.

The first of its kind in Ireland, the conference explores the application of circus arts education at all levels to promote creativity, inclusion and social change. The conference is aimed broadly at those already engaged in youth circus practice as well as participants with an interest in youth circus from the fields of education, youth work, academia and community.

The conference will feature practical workshops on pedagogic approaches to promoting inclusion and creativity and discussions across a range of topics including global perspectives on circus education, inclusive practices and youth-led participation in youth circus, fostering creativity and self-determination, trust and community building and future-perspectives for circus education in Ireland.

The conference will also include the premiere performance of the Galway Community Circus Youth Ensemble. Additionally, Galway Community Circus will celebrate their 20th anniversary and launch their new strategic plan.

“I’m looking forward to welcoming everyone to the conference, hearing all the contributions and to plotting a way forward together towards the future recognition and growth of the value and important role that this inspiring sector can play in shaping the next generations,” said Lucy Medlycott, Director of ISACS.

November also marks the beginning of Galway Community Circus’s residency at the University of Galway. The Circus was awarded funding through the Arts Council of Ireland’s Young People, Children and Education Residency Scheme and will deliver teaching across three departments: Drama and Theatre Performance, Early Childhood Education and Children’s Studies.

“We’re thrilled to co-host a conference that is all about putting circus into education. Youth Circus is a powerful tool for social change,” said Ulla Hokkanen, Executive Creative Director at Galway Community Circus. “We’re also delighted to be in residence at the University of Galway as it will allow us time and support to evaluate, codify and document our methodology. The residency also follows our 7-year research project called Circus++ which resulted in the creation of a curriculum for the world’s first degree-level course for youth and social circus teachers.”

The Circus Education: Creativity and Inclusion in Learning Conference will be held Friday, 18th and Saturday 19th November at the O’Donoghue Centre, University of Galway. The conference is free of charge, but booking is essential here:

Galway Community Circus is Ireland’s flagship organisation for youth and social circus, located in Galway City with a local, national and international remit. Our aim is to advance the artistic, personal and social development of young people through circus arts. We are committed to creating an innovative and imaginative learning experience where all young people can realise their full potential. Through our ground-breaking programmes and high-quality productions, Galway Community Circus has proven itself to be a cradle of artistic excellence and educational innovation in Ireland, working with over 600 young people from diverse backgrounds every week.

The Irish Street Arts Circus and Spectacle (ISACS ) Network is a leading example of an artist-first organisation which supports the street, circus and spectacle art forms of Ireland. Their mission is to celebrate these art forms and advocate for the policy and practical changes that will allow the sector to flourish. The ISACS values include encouragement and empowerment of their members in their journey, in their professional development and in their creativity. This is made possible thanks to the magnificent artistic development programmes, bursaries, residencies and opportunities that ISACS provides for their members.


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