Johnny Carroll — Musician extraordinaire

Johnny Carroll is known throughout the country as The Man With The Golden Trumpet. Having started with the Pioneer Aces showband at the age of 13, it's ok to say Mr Carroll is a long time on the road.

Current Car — Johnny drives a 5 series BMW plug in Hybrid. The Phytonic Blue saloon is a world away from his very first car, a Morris Minor. By 1959 and already a full time touring musician, Johnny handed over the grand sum of £320 pounds for his first new car. A Volksvagen. The VW served as the family car in Castlerea for many a year, shared with his father. Playing in Parish Halls and Ballrooms from Belfast to Cork, Johnny says 'he deserves a bit of comfort, after 60 years in old vans and broken down trucks'

Soundtrack — Johnny is a traditional Jazz fan, Acker Bilk, Kenny Ball and Chris Barber are on his playlist in the car. Music for the 60s and some Country Music are also up there too.

Favourite Journey.— No long list of favourite routes here. Not one for detouring, Johnny is adamant his favourite road trip is the 'road home to his own bed' in Galway. Regardless of the location or the hour his concerts finish, Johnny loves to head for home.

Favourite Passenger— There is only one name on this trumpeter's lips when questioned. 'Anne, my wife'.

Dream Chauffeur — See the above. Yes, the same perfect passenger is also Johnny's dream driver. He confesses Anne is better at parking the car then he is. The perfect driving duet.

Lotto Win Car— Johnny's quick fire answer suggests he has spent some time contemplating hitting the jackpot. He would love to have a driverless car. Considering the X7 is BMW's most advanced offering when it comes to Johnny's dream car, at €150,000 plus he might need the six numbers and the bonus one too,

Johnny Carroll plays 'A Night of Music for Galway Hospice' in Galway Cathedral on Thursday November 10


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