MJ Crowe confirms lighting on way for Ballyloughnane walkway

Galway City Council are examining various funding options to erect lighting along the walkway that wraps around the sports ground at Ballyloughane, Cllr MJ Crowe confirmed yesterday.

This new facility was a joint development between Liam Mellows Hurling Club and Galway City Council. He said that this walkway is a massive addition to the Renmore area and indeed the whole of the east side of the city, but it does need lighting.

“In recent weeks, many people in the locality have approached me on this matter and asked if I could help secure funding for the necessary lighting. I have investigated this and believe that the funding can be secured from the National Transport Authority. I have had discussions with the Brendan McGrath, Chief Executive of Galway City Council and he is also of the opinion that this funding can be secured from the NTA.

“However, if this is not forthcoming, then there are other funding mechanisms that will have to be explored. Regardless of which body funds the lighting, I can confirm it is my expectation that it will be in place in 2023.”

“This walkway has seen a significant increase in use by the public in recent months, and this will continue into next year and beyond, but it will obviously have a much more limited use in the winter as a result of no lighting.

“Many people will simply not walk it in the dark, understandably. I made it clear to the Chief Executive the importance of this amenity to the people of Renmore and beyond. I have walked it many times with my dog, Holly and it’s is a superb addition to Ballyloughane. Therefore, the need to address the lighting is urgent.”

“Realistically it is unlikely that the lighting will be put in place this winter, but the aim should be to have it in for next summer. It is important that the application goes in to the NTA soon as that will have to be assessed etc and I know from experience that this will take time. He said he will be meeting with officials in Galway City Council in the next couple of weeks to get an update and to ensure the matter is progressing.

“It is also my intention to link in with the Government to put pressure on to secure the funding,” concluded Cllr Crowe.


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