HIQA inspection finds Galway/Roscommon service area to be compliant in all standards assessed

The latest HIQA Inspection report for Tusla in Galway/Roscommon shows that the area’s residential service was compliant in all standards assessed. This HIQA inspection report focused on the statutory duties of Tusla social workers in the monitoring of placements for children in residential care in the Tusla Galway/Roscommon service area.

John Donnellan, Area Manager for Galway/Roscommon, Tusla said they are pleased that Galway/Roscommon was found to be compliant with all HIQA standards in this report.

“Our staff work exceptionally hard to support the children and families we work with, and this report highlights just some of the good work that takes place in the area day to day.

“We continuously strive for improvement across the service, and we will continue to work towards providing the best possible service for children, young people and their families in the area.”

The report noted that all of the children in residential care had an allocated social worker and good quality care plans that were up to date.

“Care plans were generally found to be comprehensive and outlined the supports to be provided to the child, the residential centre and parents, where appropriate.

“Care plans were also informed by the children’s assessed needs, and took numerous factors into account, such as the child’s identity, culture, religion, education, health and family and social relationships, amongst others.

“Children were consulted and encouraged to participate in the development of plans for their care, and their views and wishes were represented in their care plans.

Inspectors found good practice in relation to multi-agency working and professional collaboration which helped ensure that children experienced good quality care and that they were safe and supported.

“Care plans reviewed by inspectors recorded the therapeutic, educational and health supports provided for children, as well as inter-agency working for children with complex needs, which included mental health, disability and other specialist services,” the inspection concluded.


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