‘What we care most about is each individual child.’

Kumon maths and English programmes are individually tailored, thus are suitable for students of all ages and abilities.

A free assessment finds the ‘just right’ start point for each student in his/her subject of choice. New material is presented at the weekly class where the student returns the results of his/her daily homework and receives new worksheets for the week ahead.

Face to face classes are held on Tuesdays in Westside Resource Centre, Galway, and on Saturdays in Ballinfoyle Castlegar Neighbourhood Centre, Galway. Zoom classes are also available.

At the end of each level, mastery of the material is checked by a short test and is measured by a combination of accuracy and speed.

Progress is charted over time. In most cases the initial goal is the international academic standard for the student’s age. Thereafter students aim for six months ahead (bronze medal ), two years ahead (silver medal ), and three years ahead (gold medal ). The ultimate achievement is completion of the subject to university entry level.

Kumon Galway City West celebrates the achievements of each individual student at a memorable annual awards ceremony where pride and excitement are much in evidence.

If you would like to find out more about the Kumon programmes or to register your student for an assessment and a one week free trial, contact Denise Heneghan, instructor, at 086 8285780 or email galwaycitywest@kumoncentre.ie.


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