The cool caress of the winds of change

Of course, there is nothing permanent except change itself. It is the law of life, it is that which adds to the yins and yangs of existence.

Indeed, the only way to make sense out of life is to jump headlong into it and join the dance. In fact, the odd change is what stabilises us, and gives us the encouragement to go on.

We’ve known a lot of change these past few years. That which seemed to be permanent turned out not to be. Our certainty about life was altered and the commonplace reliables that we clung to were upturned.

The passing of Queen Elizabeth represents a massive change for whom she was a constant figurehead, so constant in fact that it is only inevitable that those who follow on will suffer from the cruel science of comparison.

In ten weeks or so, we will have a new Government, and if polls record correctly, in a few years, another one again. We have seen a changing shape of leadership.

Here in our city too, we have seen change. Age old stores and favourites, such as McCambridges under new ownership, familiar places closing down, and if the harsh winter is to be believed, more will follow.

There is also much speculation that a few more relics of vintage decency within the city walls are facing ownership changes and when they happen, there will be more reminiscing of the way the city used to be, and what it is becoming.

While there are those who half-glass full and Polly-Anna-like say that every change represents an opportunity to improve, but alas, this wholly depends on the quality of what is to follow and what has been lost. All change is not growth, in the same way all movement is not forward.

There is no doubt that changing times represent a freshness, but it is incumbent on us to ensure we acknowledge what was good about what was gone, so that its essence can be incorporated in that which we are to become.

Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.

And that never happens. Roll with the changes.


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