Bohs strengthen Lorient links with successful trip

Last year, Galway Bohemians were asked to participate in a twinning project between Galway and Lorient. Bohs have been going through a massive rejuvenation over the past decade and the committee agreed to take on this mammoth task which saw 44 young players sign up for the trip.

Mike Cubbard and Anthony Trill worked together to secure funding support from the Northern Western Regional Assembly, Galway City Council, EZ Living Furniture, St Anthony’s Credits Union Westside and the Gateway Shopping Centre.

Brian McCormick of Intersport in Letterkenny supplied the team gear and sponsored the travel bags used by every member. The club were linked with a similar-sized grassroots Club in Lorient called Vigilante de Keryado.

Five challenge games were played in two days between the two clubs. Galway Bohemians also attended a civic reception at Lorient City Hall and Cllr Mike Cubbard exchanged gifts with the Lorient City Council on behalf of Galway City Council.

The Bohs teams then visited the professional side in the city, FC Lorient, where they watched over a training session at the training ground, where they were joined by Ms. Lysiane Métayer, MP for the region.

The trip was topped off with an afternoon free time in Lorient City Centre and then a reception with crepes and refreshments at the Clubhouse of La Vigilante De Keryado.

Galway Bohs will be welcoming the French side to Galway in May 2023 and this trip will now become a regular event in the Club’s calendar.


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