Galway City Council showcases city at reception for Californian Assembly members and industrialists

Galway City Council hosted members of the Californian Assembly and prominent industrialists, as part of a high profile delegation to Ireland last weekend. California is a source of significant foreign direct investment in industry in Ireland, with the visit to Galway represented a major opportunity to showcase Galway City, and outline investment opportunities to delegates.

The group was welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of Galway City, Cllr Mike Cubbard, who spoke to the caucus about the role of Galway City as a key driver of economic development and competitiveness on the Atlantic Economic Corridor - leading in foreign and indigenous commercial investment, higher educational institutional achievement and workforce skills, while creating an attractive, creative place to live, work and visit. Cllr Cubbard welcomed the group to Galway, and invited them to stay a while, and enjoy the city, and most importantly, to return again.

Brian Barrett, Director of Services, Gary McMahon, Arts Officer, and Ruairi Lehmann, Tourism Officer, all of Galway City Council, also spoke about the unique attributes of Galway City as an economic and cultural city, having recently been identified as the sixth best city in Europe in which to raise a family.

Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of the National University of Ireland, Galway, spoke about the close relationship of the United States and Ireland, with the group having visited the University the previous evening.

The visit took place during the Galway International Arts Festival, showcasing the city at its best, bustling with life and thriving, after a relatively quiet previous two years while the world responded to Covid-19.

Speaking about the event, Brian Barrett, Director of Services, said that Galway City Council welcomes the delegation from California, and the opportunity to reignite the traditional strong Irish-American relationship.

“This meeting is an opportunity to showcase Galway, as a diverse city of enterprise and learning with a rich cultural heritage, immersed in a stunning natural environment.

“We look forward to welcoming more such delegations to our city in future, and supporting further direct investment by our visitors in Galway City,” he said.


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