Ulster Bank is reminding customers in Galway to choose and move and close

Ulster Bank is continuing to write to its current and deposit account customers on a phased, rolling basis, to give them six months’ notice to Choose a new provider, Move their balances and transactions and switch their account(s ).

The Bank is reminding its Galway customers in vulnerable situations and those in need of additional support that assistance is available through its dedicated customer phone line 1800 656 001 open 8am-8pm, 7 days a week.

While customers do not need to take action until they receive a letter/email from Ulster Bank, Ulster Bank is ready to assist customers who wish to begin this process now

Ciaran Coyle, Managing Director of Retail Banking, Ulster Bank said: “We understand that choosing a new banking provider can take time and we want to ensure that customers in vulnerable situations and anyone that requires additional assistance gets the support they require as early in the process as possible.

“We have been proactively engaging with these customers to ensure they have all the help they need. In addition to our dedicated customer phone line, our branches will remain open throughout this period. From 1 July, counters will close in all branches from 1pm with counter colleagues remaining in the open branches to assist customers in the Choose-Move-Close process.

“We have scaled up our resourcing of our Unit to support customers in vulnerable situations in preparation for the increased demand and have deployed trained staff in each branch for those in need of additional assistance. Also, other financial services providers have begun operating from some of our branches to support customers who want help in opening new accounts. “If any customers in vulnerable situations are unsure of their next steps and would like to discuss their needs with us, they can contact us on 1800 656 001, lines are open 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week, or review our comprehensive customer FAQ on our website www.ulsterbank.ie

After Ulster Bank customers receive their first communication (letter/email ), they will be reminded at various times over their six-month notice period, through text messages, prompts on our mobile app and internet banking as well as follow-up letters, emails and calls. If at the end of this six-month period a customer has not moved their account, the account will be frozen and within a month a cheque will be issued for the account balance, less any fees, stamp duty etc payable.

If customers need additional support, are in financial difficulty or in a vulnerable situation, please call Ulster Bank on 1800 656 001. Throughout this process, we also remind customers that Ulster Bank will never ask you for passcodes or online banking details in a phone call, email or text - so be alert, as scammers and fraudsters may try to take advantage of the situation.


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