Happy snappers upload 6,000 photos of Volvo Ocean Race Festival

4,000 more needed to smash the record

An incredible response to the Volvo Ocean Race stopover in Galway has produced some 6,000 photos for a photo competition to highlight the west of Ireland’s creative industry.

The competition, which is open to all, asks snappers to simply upload their photos, taken during the Galway Volvo Ocean Race Festival onto http://pix.ie/go/lookwest.

To date more than 6,000 photos have been uploaded as part of the Western Development Commission’s c ompetition to highlight the 'Creative West' in association with Pix.ie

The winners will be chosen by marine sports journalist and photographer David Branigan. Prizes include top of the range digital cameras to a total value of €1,500.

WDC regional development executive, Joanne Grehan, says they are hoping to create a new Irish record.

“Following the weekend’s record turnout in Galway for the Volvo Ocean Race Festival – a record for a tourism event in Ireland - we are confident we can set another record.

“ We still have time to go to get another 4,000 images uploaded. If we can reach the 10,000 mark Pix.ie tell us that we will create an Irish record, which would be a bit of fun as well as showcasing probably the greatest location in the world to set up a creative business.”

A recently published report, “Creative West: The Creative Sector in the Western Region”, showed the western region had the potential to create at least an extra 2,000 jobs in the sector.

"The WDC is taking every opportunity to promote the western region as a great place to live, work, and do business during what will be the largest gathering of people in the region during the entire year.”


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