Changes in carers’ entitlements

During Carers Week we celebrate the valuable contribution made by carers in our local communities, in particular the ways in which carers support older and dependent people to continue to live in the familiar surroundings of their own homes. It is an opportune time to remind carers of some of the changes recently made to Carers Allowance, paid by the Department of Social Protection (DSP ).

From June 1 2022, the capital disregard for Carers Allowance has increased from €20,000 to €50,000. The income disregards have also increased: a carer can now work for up to 18.5 hours per week and have income /earnings of €350 per week in the case of a single carer or €750 in the case of a couple and get the full Carers Allowance payment. This means carers can combine their caring duties with part-time work and still qualify for Carers Allowance.

Linda O’Toole, Acting Development Manager, Galway Citizens Information Service stated “Each year many carers contact our centres regarding their entitlements. The qualifying conditions for many entitlements change from time to time so it is essential that members of the public keep up to date with changes by checking their entitlements with their local Citizens Information Centre.’

Carers can also apply for the Carers Support Grant for 2022 this month. This is an annual payment for full-time carers, paid by the DSP usually on the first Thursday in June each year. The payment is not means tested and is currently €1,850. It is paid automatically to people getting carters payments.

“Other carers can qualify for the grant. To qualify, you must be over 16 and caring for a person who needs help due to age, illness or disability and have cared for the person full time for at least 6 months, to include the first Thursday in June. You won’t qualify if you are working, studying or training for more than 18.5 hours per week, getting a jobseeker’s payment or signing for credits during the 6 month caring period.

If you are already receiving a carers payment, you will get the Carer’s Support Grant automatically this month. If you are not in receipt of one of these payments, you will need to complete an application form. You can apply for a Carer’s Support Grant for any given year from April of that year until 31 December of the following year.

For further information on carers entitlements or to pick up an application form please contact your local CIC on: 0818 07 7600. Details of where you can find your local centre are available at You can also contact the Citizens Information Phone Service on 0818 07 4000.

South Connacht Citizens Information Service is funded by the Citizens Information Board to provide a free and confidential information, advice and advocacy service to the public.


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