GRETB apprenticeship open evening event

Are you considering an apprenticeship as a career? Would you like more information on this rewarding career path? The GRETB Training Centre is hosting an apprenticeship information evening on Thursday, May 19, for parents and students.

The GRETB Apprenticeship Unit will be providing information and talks on apprenticeship career options and also giving tours of the training centre workshops and facilities.

Apprenticeship programmes for Galway and Roscommon are administered through the GRETB Training Centre.

An apprenticeship is a programme which combines learning in the workplace with an approved employer and learning in a training centre or educational college. Apprentices are paid a weekly allowance for the duration of the apprenticeship.

Apprenticeships vary from two to four years in duration, qualifications achieved range from Level 5 certificate to Level 9 masters degree on the National Framework of Qualifications.

There are currently 64 different apprenticeship career paths available in Ireland.

As well as the traditional trades such as plumbing, carpentry and joinery, motor mechanics, and electrical, there are now apprenticeships in auctioneering, manufacturing, software developer, accounting technician, insurance practitioner, arboriculture, craft butchery apprenticeship, and many more. For more information visit

GRETB also provides a learner support for apprentices, additional curriculum related support is available in the areas of reading and comprehension, writing and spelling, maths, and study skills/exam preparation.

To register for the event visit and book any of the three timeslots - 4pm, 6pm, and 7pm.

For further information email or phone 091 706200.


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