O’Flaherty confirms resurfacing of Barry Avenue will proceed this week

Cllr Terry O’ Flaherty is pleased to report that the roadway in Barry Avenue, Old Mervue will be resurfaced this week. She was successful in acquiring €30,000 in the 2022 budget towards this project and she has added a further €5.000 from her Local Improvement Scheme fund (LIS ) towards the resurfacing of this road.

“Due to wear and tear over the years, the footpaths and roads in the area have deteriorated considerably and require works to be carried out as a matter of priority,” she said.

Cllr O’Flaherty said that during one of the pre-budget meetings, she had enquired from the Council’s Chief Executive, Brendan McGrath, if funding was included in the roads programme to upgrade the roads and footpaths in the older estates like Mevue, Castle Park, Bohermore, Claddagh and Shantalla.

“While he said that there was no funding included in the 2022 budget, he agreed that all the older estates require funding to carry out these repairs and maintenance works and he intends to build up a budget to meet the costs to carry out out the works involved in those estates,” she said.

Cllr O’Flaherty added that she would like to thank the Executive Engineer Noel O Ceallaigh for carrying out these works which will be welcomed by the residents in the area.


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